Belt weigher
Our Belt weighers are custom engineerd and built for your application!
Every belt weigher comes with it own specifications.
We are able to build belt weighers which can measure products weighing as low as 100 kg/m³ with an accurance of 0.5 %.
Because we use the right parts and designs, our Belt weighers are approved by the local measurement authorities for trade purposes, as are weighbridges. However, Belt weighers have a lot of advantages compared to Weighbridges.
Some examples
Certified Beltweigher
Self supported frame
Certified Beltweigher
Custom designed to fit in a existing installation
Certified Beltweigher
Capacity of 300 m³ per hour
Main advantages of using a certified Belt Weigher
No more travelling up and down to the weighing bridge
Loading or producing predefined weight or volume
High accuracy
Satisfied users of the INADCO solutions

Do you have any questions?
Contact us and we shall help you!!